Intranet Roadmap download (english version)

The intranet Roadmap is a project management tool for intranet projects.

Italian version here

It is the roadmap of all the main phases and activities of an intranet project, and is composed in such a way as to form a map that continues over time up to the launch of the intranet and beyond.

The main lines are 4:

  1. Organization and content (the most important line, which supports the others)
  2. Analysis
  3. Design
  4. Technology
the beginning of the intranet roadmap

These 4 main lines are associated with 10 more minor ones, which are used to form the complete map of activities and sub-activities:

  1. Discovery
  2. Domain analysis
  3. User research
  4. Information architecture
  5. Design
  6. Governance
  7. Content publishing
  8. Launch plan
  9. Adoption
  10. Management
the central part of the intranet roadmap

The map identifies all the lines of action and all the actions, and should be read in 2 ways:

  • Horizontally chronologically, like an evolution over time, with some actions in parallel
  • Vertically in a thematic sense, identifying the groups of actions that must be carried out in a given phase

The idea is that the project manager always knows at all times how his specific action is placed with respect to the global project.

the final part of the intranet roadmap
A pitcture of the Roadmap during the 2019 Intranet Italian Day event

The map is published under a Creative commons license

Licenza Creative Commons
This work is distributed under License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).